Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well, get ready to read...

Well, I was going to do a long post about what I have been up to lately, (not much, I assure you) but, I decided to spare you the boredom. Instead, I am just going to say that I am thoroughly enjoying watching Monsters Inc. with my siblings right now. (This is one of the scary movies we watch at our house. We had to fast forward the whole beginning...) And on a random note, I was very surprised to learn how many people I know actually read my blog. The Akbar video for example, some people would be like, " I saw that video your blog..." (with various mixed facial expressions)  then I would be like, "Oh yeah! Funny, huh? Wait... you read my blog?" (cough, cough, sheepish smile...) And on another random note, I finished the book, 'Scottish Chiefs' by Jane Porter, and then watched 'Braveheart'. Totally loved it! As always, the book was better, and William Wallace, well, he's awesome! Then, I started the 'Mark of the Lion' series by Francine Rivers and I CAN'T PUT IT DOWN!!! I finished the 1st book in like 2 days and I am almost done with the 2nd. I'll have to save the 3rd for the plane ride to Ethiopia..... It is a captivating series and totally grips and moves the reader. I not only like to read historical fiction, but I like writing it too, so it's fun to read and grab little tips from here and there. I guess I am kinda rambling on now, so I will stop. I think I might snatch some of the popcorn my brother just popped and watch American Idol...
BTW This will probably be the last blog post until I get back from Ethiopia! I am so excited, and AFRAID. But the good thing is, the more I am afraid, the more I can trust in Jesus, with my personal needs, spiritual needs, and any other nasty fear that decides to latch onto my brain. If you would please pray for our team while we are gone, it would be so awesome. God truly does listen to us, and knows what we need, even before we ask. Please pray for our hearts, to be prepared to not follow our own agendas, but look to others needs before our own, and that we can be shining lights to the people we will be meeting, and that God will open other peoples hearts if we have chances to share the gospel. Also for the language barrier, my cousin Ja Ja encouraged me about that the other night. She reminded me that even when we don't speak the same language, Christ's love can still bleed through our every action and motive. And also for personal health and travel complications. We are going to be fellowshipping with beautiful group of believers, and I am rejoicing that I will have a chance to sing with the nations!
Sorry for rambling, and thanks for reading. (or skimming the page, stopping at the interesting parts.... same difference. smile....)
Here is a random picture of me that you might find amusing. Yea, there really isn't any suitable caption for that. But if you think of one, comment!

1 comment:

  1. So, today at drama, I kinda forgot that I won't see you guys again before you leave, so I just want to say that I will be praying for you guys and I'm so excited to hear about what God does! I hope that you guys will find joy and strength and courage not in your conditions or situation, but in God. And I hope that God uses this trip to shatter you in a way that causes you to rely on Him and His strength instead of your strength and all the things we have here like never before. Christ's love and His sacrifice has been portrayed to us and I'm so thankful that you guys get to go there and just let that love overflow onto these people and kids. Sorry, that was kind of a long comment. Also, you should check out Psalm 46. It's a good one. ;)
