Monday, August 4, 2014


If you ever wondered what a virtual long heaving sigh looks like, feast your eyes on the title of this post, 'cause there's one right there.
And now I pause a moment to exhale a few sighs in reality and then continue with this post.
(feel free to take a deep breath yourself, I don't mind)
I'm just popping over to lovely little bloggyland for a moment as a break from the tedious curriculum research currently taking place in my life.
Let me just tell you that I have a whole new appreciation for my mother.
We have a pretty much totally strange education system in my family; wonderful but strange.
I like to say I'm a hybrid student, some home studies and some at our local school.
So when it comes time to immerse my brain in the vast amount of knowledge there is to be learned once more the next 9 or so months, there is quite a bit of planning to be done.
And I will spare you all the details of the planning, but unfortunately I cannot spare myself. All this said however, I am outrageously BLESSED to be able to have the opportunity to learn. seriously.
 There are worlds of books at my fingertips, notebooks, pencils, computers and teachers all within reach. Some will never ever have the chance at that, some take it for granted and some ignore it all together. So although planning can be overwhelming I am mostly grateful that God has given me the opportunity, desire and ability to learn.
So yep that's about all I needed to say.
More to come because right now my mind is overflowing with lots of thoughts, struggles and praises that need to be unwound by putting them into letters, words and eventually sentences that will hopefully make sense.

*A random side note, but as I was typing the word grateful in the paragraph above I had a burning question and maybe some out there smarter than me can answer it. Why in the world is grateful spelled g-r-a-t-e-f-u-l instead of g-r-e-a-t-f-u-l? Because grate is a word which means a metal covering of a fireplace, or the action used to shred something so being grate-ful doesn't make any sense at all, while great means either large in size, extremely notable or very good.
Very random, but just a little peek inside my completely random brain.

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