Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Did I seriously just misspell the title of this blog post?
something is wrong with me. eh, but I guess we all knew that already.
And we definitely already know I am somewhat crazy.
But I just had to reestablish that fact through this blog post.
So let me tell you, my life has been super duper crazy these past couple weeks. And guess what folks? It's just getting started.
You may be wondering how somebody this busy actually has time to be writing a post. hmmmmm...
good question.
Answer: It's my reward for finishing my chem homework.
And before you start wondering why my homework wasn't done earlier so that I could catch up on my Downton Abbey episodes that I'm trying to finish before the next season comes out, I will tell you that my Chemistry homework was my reward for coming home from cross country practice alive.
And cross country was my reward for finishing my 1st math lesson of the year and that was my reward for going to the doctor, twice in one day.
Just kidding neither chemistry or math was a reward, but it had to be done... :)
anyhooooo, all this business got me wondering why I have to be so old.
seriously people, let's all move to neverland and be kids and revel in our youngness. forever.
or maybe not.
maybe we (and by we I really mean me) have to embrace this new season of pre-adulthood with the same excitement and motivation we had when the only worries were if we were going to get honey or jelly on our peanut butter sandwiches and when that certain sibling would stop annoying me.
God gives us seasons of business, and I don't want to get lost in the muddle of do this, go here, wear this, run this much, be this way, play this, eat this, sleep, etc and forget the Creator of it all.
I don't want to lose sight of the MOST IMPORTANT THING.
His Kingdom is the most important. And we are told to seek that Kingdom and His Righteousness FIRST.
So my prayer is that in this day and age as teenagers, young adults, and just all around busy people would never ever ever forget that the world doesn't revolve around our agendas. We are not the most important thing. Our way is not God's way because His way is soooooooooooo far above anything we could ever think. ever ever ever ever. But let us seek God's ways, His righteousness and His kingdom with a passion. Let us seek Christ FIRST.

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