Thursday, November 7, 2013


Well, after thinking for awhile, I decided to blog once again. I would apologize for the delay, but I do think it's quite past that point. I'd much rather spend my time writing new things than back-tracking and side-tracking; accounting for all the reasons I haven't blogged for almost the past year.
It seemed quite necessary to freshen up the place though! :)
I really am just going to jump back into this, and try to be regular about writing because it is simply so thrilling and enjoyable.
Fall is really wrapping up around here and I rather wish it wasn't, because I love this season so very much. I've been in the mood for apple cider and pumpkin cookies lately....maybe this weekend....and not to mention chai tea! It's one of my favorite things to drink while trucking away at school....What I really can't wait for though, is pie season. I absolutely LOVE making homemade pies. Seriously, it puts me in my happy place. Right up there with gardening and canning. And reading, and writing and cake decorating.....
God is so good to give us autumn as a picture of the wonderful creativity He has. It's like the universe is His canvas and he's not only drawing beautiful masterpieces, but filling them with colors so gorgeous I could yell and jump for joy! What a glorious Father we have. It makes me want to desire Him even more than I do now. I never ever ever ever in a thousand million years want to think that I could stop learning about God. Sometimes, my heart goes through periods of not longing as fiercely as I want it to, and reading the Bible and seeking Him out can be hard. But isn't it wonderful that He pursues us? Even when I'm being a disobedient, rebellious child He still loves, and He still seeks after my soul. How amazing.
We've been up to so much lately, from pumpkin patches with friends and couuuuuuuuuusins, school, costume parties, plays (my sister starred as Cosette in Les Mis....and totally ROCKED it!), bible studies, and much more....
 Oh boy. Gotta love those crazy pictures...we seriously didn't get a single 'perfect' one, something about the hands on the chin...but honestly, I think I enjoy the real life pictures better, they're much more meaningful. :)
 The Oggie is about an inch away from being taller than me, and he's all the sudden mr. strong guy. I like to take advantage of the piggy-back rides...I figure he owes me for all I years I gave them to him!
 Our halloween costumes this year...(left to right: clown, 50's girl, hippy, 50's girl, the cutest lion in the whole world and Flash)

 We've already had our first snow....I love it!
 More to come....hopefully sooner than later!


  1. finally!! loving all the pics:D thanks for posting - becca

  2. I am very glad you are posting again. I love to read your posts about this very unique family....snicker snicker
    Love you,
