Thursday, May 2, 2013

An excerpt

I thought I'd post these quiet time notes from my journal as a reminder to myself... :)
~...when it comes down to the moment, I want to be good, self-controlled, pure, a hard working home maker (in training), to show integrity, dignity and sound speech so that I cannot be condemned! So, then God's word can be glorified and nothing evil can be said against us! (1 Peter 3) I also want to be humble! Pride is my "worstest" :) enemy.
I want my conduct to radiate the gospel and to respectful and pure in body and heart. I don't want my worth to come from my hair and clothes or accessories or any other outward feature. I want to frequently pursue how I can decorate my inward character! I want a gentle and quiet spirit because I know God loves and is shown through these things, but He is the one who will have to help me because I can't do it on my own!~


1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I just wanted to say great job on this, it's exactly what I've been feeling myself lately. I Really want God to mold me and make me into a better servant for him; I'm constantly struggling with my selfishness, pride, and temper, I know I can't control them by myself and so I seek the one in whom all things are possible, my savior my lord, and my love.
    God Bless
    Sarah. A
