Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I fell....

I fell, yes.... Off the face of the blogworld. Ouch. I write the blog posts in my head, but they never seem to make it to the computer. Oh well. I'll fill you in. I had a fabulous Christmas! (I hope you did too!) And the new year sneaked up on me again. 2012?! (Smack! in my face) Oh, Hi! Where did you come from? I still can't figure out how fast time really goes. It seems now that I can look into the fact that this is just my temporary home, and heaven is my real home, time goes even faster than before! But that is good, because this world is fading fast! The encouraging thing is though, the darker this world gets, the brighter we can shine for Jesus!

I have been up to lots lately, but the few most interesting things are: Lots of Symphonies, learning spanish, playing violin with my pals at church and..... Meeting TobyMac!!!!
He was so awesome. Really really really humble and sweet and kind.  He even a 5 song encore at the concert! That was cool. We really had fun meeting him. We also saw Jamie Grace sing too, and her voice, wow. There is nothing I could say to do it justice.

Here is the biggest thing though,
  I am going to Ethiopia. In the spring. In less than 3 months.

Is that CRAZY or what?! I am super excited, scared, amazed, thankful, confused, pumped, nervous, shocked, jumpy, and a lot of other emotions at the same time. Part of me is like really really grateful and joyous that God is giving me this opportunity and I am so happy to be going out for His namesake and work with the orphans and impoverished in that area and the other part is like freaked out.(To not discourage myself, I will not post the many reasons of being fearful that I have...) I am really excited though. This is where 2 of my brothers were born! I get to go! I already have my passport and most of my shots and my plane ticket!! (Oh Jesus!! Thank you so much for this trip and for the chance to die to self and really really throw myself into your arms and trust you to take care of the details...) We are going to visit some sponsor children of ours and of our friends and fam. And also bring food, medicine, toys, shoes, clothes and lots of other things!! And take LOTS of pictures. My dad went last year to the same place and here are some pictures of his trip...

I am so blessed to be able to go! If you would like to donate towards our trip, you can visit THIS BLOG and there is a way to do that there. Thanks for reading! Signing off,


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