Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A post with no particular title.....

Although I really don't have anything to write about, I will attempt an interesting post. :)
We have had some birthdays around my house....
Dash turned 10! He is growing into such a fine young man, and has a gentle, helpful spirit. One of his presents was a box drum, and it will be fun to hear him refine that jazzy sense of rhythm he already has! :)

My dear momma's birthday is up next, as it is tomorrow. She is so wonderful and I am blessed to have her as my mom. Even though we are different, God has used her to teach me and refine me and I look forward to many years of friendship!
  And lastly in March is JBear! He seriously the coolest 6 (soon to be 7) year old I know. His dance moves, are...unexplainable....His laugh is contagious and he keeps us in constant stitches!
This is his most common face....cool right? (Makes me laugh....but we literally hardly have a single photo where he doesn't look like this...) :)
Anywhoooo.... to completely change gears....God has really been showing me that I need to pray more. My 20 minute morning quiet time just doesn't cut it if I really want to know God. I don't want to forget the amazing amazing wonderful fantastic marvelous things Christ has done for me. And while I was completely undeserving he died for me! If I desire to know Him more, I need to be seeking him out. Casting my cares on him in the mundane everyday, trusting Him with everything. What in this world is mine to keep and hold onto for comfort anyway? Everything I have, I have received from God! Therefore, I want to be thanking Him for the blessings I have in my life, from legs that can walk, to a kitchen I can cook in. Not only thanking Him in things that are blessings, but seeking out how I can thank Him and praise Him in situations that seems sticky, icky and gross. How can I thank him when I don't get my school done? How can I thank Him when a sibling is annoying me? How can I thank Him when I totally blow it? I want to remember God in my everyday life, because without Christ, what is my life?

Another total switch of gears, but to end the post, but here is some awesome classical music!!!

 Signing off for now!!


  1. Everyone is getting so old!
    I remember when you guys first brought those boys home.
    Your Friend
    Sarah. A
